The 5 Strains Perfect For Red Kratom Lovers

Red Kratom is one of the highly regarded strain types of Kratom around the world. Kratom comes in various colors like white and green, but red has stood out for decades. When you buy a red Kratom strain from a reliable source, you can trust that it will be highly potent and offer you the effects one looks for in Kratom products. For those who have long been fans of Kratom and the red variants, you may be even more interested to know of the five highest-rated red strains.

Kratom Through The Ages

Kratom is an ethnobotanical whose roots lie in the indigenous communities across Southeast Asia. The tropical evergreen tree, a member of the coffee family, is called mitragyna speciosa, but the locals and the Western world have come to know it as Kratom. As an ethnobotanical, it has played a prominent role in these communities’ healthcare and well-being commonly used to relieve headaches, improve focus, and reduce anxiety. These claims were solidified in science with the discovery of the active compounds inside the plant, mitragynine, and 7-hydroxymitragynine.

The islands surrounding the Indochinese Peninsula are exposed to moist air containing evaporated water from the nearby oceans. The soil in these areas is highly acidic due to the various volcanoes and eruptions that had happened many years ago. Over time, the elements have crafted the ideal habitat to grow Kratom and lush green rainforests where animals thrive.

As news has spread about the plant’s active compounds and the Western world learned of the bountiful crops throughout Southeast Asia, global demand skyrocketed. Now, only Kratom farmers who are practicing sustainable farming using wild harvesting techniques and backyard farms are operating ethically. In contrast, some industries erect extensive processing facilities and ruin villages.

Sustainable Farming

With more global demand for Kratom and its red strains, the plant has become highly equitable for many of the communities in these areas. By farming it and working with ethical companies in the western world, these families can sustain their lives and grow their community. The sustainability of these wild and backyard crops is essential, so these communities do not become overrun by unethical companies planting large monoculture crops of palm oil and harvesting rainforest timber. As the jungles here are intense and diverse, with some being the most biodiverse places on the planet, their long-term health and survival are fundamental to ecosystems worldwide.

The ethical agricultural methods used by Kratom farmers are vital to ensuring that the rainforest remains healthy and that Kratom can continue to grow for many years into the future, thus supporting the village’s future generations. When it comes to red Kratom, the practices are no different. These farmers will hand pluck the leaves from the tree, minimizing any damage to the surrounding forest. They only choose the leaves that will work best for red Kratom and leave the rest for future harvests.

The Leaves’ Changing Colors

Red Kratom is named for the color of the veins and stem on the leaves at harvest time. Red leaves tend to be picked long after the white and green strains as it takes time for the leaves to reach this color. Once they have reached this color, they are then taken from the tree.

As the leaf matures, the colors change. The color in the name signifies its “age” when at harvest time. The maturing process is one of Kratom production’s most essential parts as it is during this time that the chemical structure within the plant is changing.

The concentration of the two alkaloids, mitragynine, and 7-hydroxymitragynine, are shifting throughout maturation, and eventually, the veins and stem will turn bright-white, to green, and finally red. By staggering the harvesting of the different maturity levels (or colors), the plant can continue to thrive without being completely torn from the ground.

For red Kratom, the final leaves to be chosen are left to dry and then are ground down into a fine powder. Further processing involving lab testing happens, which safeguard the product from potential contaminants. When you buy high-quality red Kratom, it should be a vibrant green color and smell earthy, not like chemicals.

The Five Strains

There are five main strains of red Kratom:

Red Indo (Indonesia): Perfect for relaxing and a great starting point.

Red Sumatra (Sumatra): An excellent strain for healing and boosting one’s mental state. Many people equate Red Sumatra with self-care.

Red Bali (Bali): A mid-way point for people on their Red Kratom exploration journey.

Red Thai (Thailand): One of the most popular, with a cult following, offering a relaxing and pleasant aroma.

Red Maeng Da (Thailand): Maximum potency “pimp-grade” red Maeng Da is ranked the best red Kratom you can buy, hands down.

The red Kratom strains are named for the geographic location because the soil in each area has a different chemical composition, translated into the plant and the final product.

If you are working with a reputable retailer buying high-quality products, you can trust that you will find the right red Kratom strain for you.

Author : Andy Cyrus