Legalities and Science

glass tubes in a lab testing out kratom leaves
April 22, 2015 4 Comments

Kratom, a plant native to Southeast Asia with Malaysia and Thailand being the main growing regions is a family member of the Mitragyna, is in the same family as the psychoactive plant Psychotria Viridis and coffee. Kratom is cultivated  and produced whereby its green leaves are dried and then made into an oily resin or powder. It has been in existence for hundreds of years, but it only in this century (21st century) that it has attracted a lot of attention.Also known as Kakuam, Ketum, Thom and Ithang, it contains over twenty five alkaloids including seven-hydroxymitragynine and mitragynine. These alkaloids functions as mu-opioid receptor adversary. The 3 most common indoles are paynanthine, speciogynine and mitragynine which is responsible for half of the alkaloid element (nine methoxy-corynantheidine). The 2 most common oxindoles are speciofoline and mitraphylline. Other alkaloids include rhynchophylline, ajmalicine, mitraversine and corynantheidine. Mitragynine is said, but hasn’t been proven to be the most active alkaloid or element in Mitragyna Speciosa.

Current Legal Status of Kratom

Just like many other plans, organizations are in an upheaval about Ketum even though it has endured a huge history of safe cultivation. Today, it is banned in Thailand since the enactment of Kratom Act 2486 in 1943, but officials are considering removing the seventy two years old ban on Ketum, due to research showing many potentials. It is also illegal in Australia, Burma and Malaysia and US. DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) consider it a “plant of concern.” In the United States, Kratom is illegal in Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Wisconsin, Vermont, Tennessee, Sarasota County – FL, San Diego – CA, Jerseyville – IL. However majority of the world still accepts Kratom as legal, with the exception of Australia, Thailand, Malaysia and Burma.

Scientific Studies

Many individual are giving a lot of attention to the Kratom leaves. Certain firms including pharmaceuticals and scientific groups are carrying out studies on the properties, effects and composition of Kratom. Today, Ketum is easily available on the market due to ease of access on the web. In Japan, South East Asia and United States clinical research is being done to further study its properties and potential benefits. Researchers see Kratom as a plant with a lot of benefits and potential, however these efforts are going to take a very long time before they are achieved as there is still the need for clinical studies an in-depth research and understanding of behavioral activities and the mood of the brain as well as its receptors. As of right now, Kratom is not available for human consumption and it is not to be ingested by humans as the side effects could be dangerous and are unknown.

Kratom & Media

In most cases, when Kratom appears in media, it’s regularly described as a highly unsafe addictive plant of abuse with zero medical important and is often associated with other elements that it has nothing to do with. The reason behind this is because buying Kratom capsules is still new to the Western globe and this seems to lead to some general prejudice and misunderstanding. Comparing Kratom strains like Ultra Enhanced Indo to opiates, as most of the media does, and writing about its addiction and abuse potential, stigmatizes the user in a pessimistic way.
Author : Andy Cyrus


  1. July 2, 2015
    Scott Wilkenfeld

    where are my points and what do I have?

    • July 2, 2015

      Hey Scott, we sent you an email. 🙂

  2. June 1, 2016


  3. February 4, 2019

    I’m a newbie to this and have ordered 3 times now, my question is do some people mix the different strains, and we can get points for our purchases? Would love that thank you gail ???

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