Kratom & The Rubiaceae Botanical Family

kratom plant leaves
September 9, 2020 0 Comments

Like all flora species, Kratom comes from a family of plants where all the different species are related. In the case of mitragyna speciosa, it is a member of the Rubiaceae family, including other species like the coffee plant. Many other species within this plant family have medicinal properties and holistic effects.

A Family Portrait

A majority of flowering plants in the Rubiaceae family members are shrubs, but there are many lianas, herbs, and trees. Other names for this family are the bedstraw family, madder, or coffee, and it includes approximately 13,500 species coming from 611 different genera.

Almost all Rubiaceae family plants are found in hot and humid areas around the globe. These locations are at the subtropic and tropic as they grow throughout Venezuela, New Guinea, and Colombia. These are also the areas that happen to be the best for Kratom, which is found primarily in Southeast Asia. Some farmers do grow Kratom in other regions of the globe, but it is much more challenging, and they will not survive if the temperatures get too cold.

Members of the Rubiaceae all have similar characteristics, and their most defining characteristic is the elliptical leaf blade in an opposite formation, in addition to endospermic seeds. Outlined below is a list of the most common plants you see in the Rubiaceae Family. It is noted their primary traits and characteristics, all of which are derived from their alkaloids. These alkaloids are what give them pharmacological effects.


These are flowering plants that are widely grown worldwide, including many of the bean-producing plants. Notable plants include the Coffea canephora and Coffea arabica. They are widely consumed as they contain caffeine. Coffee and caffeinated beverages are used worldwide as their stimulating effects can help increase concentration, improve memory, and make you more alert. It is no wonder it has long been a favorite of households around the world.


Most commonly found in South America, these flowering plants have played an important historical part in herbal treatments. Cinchona has the alkaloid quinine, which is located in the bark. Since 1632, this alkaloid has been used to treat malaria. Since malaria has developed a resistance to many synthetic drugs in recent years, researchers are still studying the effects and benefits of Cinchona in tandem with malaria treatments. The founding of homeopathy happened due to an incidence relating to Cinchona bark. The founder of homeopathy decided to take this bark daily, and he experienced the symptoms of malaria. He then used this as a methodology for homeopathy.

Carapichea Ipecacuanha

This plant is used to create ipecac, which medical professionals use to induce vomiting. The two common alkaloids that are prevalent in Carapichea are cephaeline and emetine, both of which can cause the user to vomit. While this may not seem therapeutic, it has been widely used in treatments that require detoxification and removal of poisons from the stomach.

Breonadia Salicina

This incredible species of the Rubiaceae family is used in herbal medicine to combat diarrhea and bacteria within the body. This is commonly used in African cultures as a treatment to tackle gastrointestinal issues. Its effects can also be useful in ridding the body of different infections like E.Coli. As it is so helpful in getting rid of harmful bacteria, it is still widely used today.

Even though these have represented throughout history as herbal medicines, there has not been nearly as much research done on Kratom. The Kratom botanical family and its uses have been evolving in recent years, but the lack of research presents many opportunities to discover more of its amazing benefits.

Kratom Throughout Time

Evidence that dates back to the Paleocene age in the form of fossils tells researchers that the Rubiaceae family has been around for somewhere between 48 and 49 million years; however, any evidence of the Kratom botanical family is dated far later in 1839. At this time, Kratom was first introduced into history by Pieter Korthals, a Dutch botanist, although it most likely was being used by civilizations without being recorded.

As history progressed, different Rubiaceae plants began to gain traction throughout the globe, getting primarily noticed for the Coffea plant, which is one of the most popular drinks in the world as they have created a multi-billion dollar industry. In more recent years, Kratom has started to emerge as herbal medicine, but as it has remained somewhat in the dark throughout time, it is being received with significant criticisms and scrutiny by governments worldwide.

To ensure you are getting the highest quality Kratom products, you need to make sure you are working with a trusted vendor. While there is criticism of Kratom, the research does not provide enough evidence against it. By taking the right steps to prepare and refine the plant, you know you will be receiving a safe and effective product.

Author : Andy Cyrus