Leading Kratom vendors are restricted in what they can and cannot say regarding Kratom, its effects, and uses. These restrictions can make it very challenging for consumers to find out about Kratom or how it may benefit their lives. With the barriers to accurate information, many people cannot comprehend what Kratom is or does thoroughly. Many consumers notice that the vendors they trust and rely on the most are often not providing the information they want. As vendors are restricted in what they can and can not say, it is up to the consumers to research to find out about Kratom and the mitragyna speciosa tree. With more consumers researching and advocating for Kratom, the more likely that it will be more widely accepted as a therapeutic substance.
The Food & Drug Administration
The FDA, or Food and Drug Administration, is responsible for regulating food and drug substances in the U.S., including medicines. Their regulation includes the monitoring of various products to ensure that they will be safe in Americans’ hands. They set a minimum standard of quality for pharmaceuticals and keep irresponsible companies from making inaccurate claims about specific substances. While their intentions are admirable, they often don’t operate fairly, and sometimes their motives seem unclear.
The FDA & Kratom
Kratom and the FDA have a long and trying relationship. The FDA has long stood against Kratom and has even set measures to see it classified as a Schedule I controlled substance with the Controlled Substances Act. While these attempts did not prevail, former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb put various restrictions that make it virtually impossible to research and understand the product thoroughly.
The FDA currently holds the position that there are no therapeutic benefits for Kratom. They have used 3D digital rendering to analyze Kratom’s chemical structure, looking at mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine to see if they could benefit the body. Refuting any other evidence, they say that their research proves Kratom will not be therapeutic. If a Kratom vendor makes combatting claims, they will be operating in contradiction to the FDA’s regulations.
In addition to these claims that there are no therapeutic benefits, the research has also been further manipulated to state that Kratom could be very dangerous, causing illness and death. Most of this research does not consider other factors and instead puts all the blame on Kratom. Even with these claims, Kratom’s state has still remained in flux, which can confuse many consumers as to why it has not been fully banned if it is so dangerous.
Kratom is not classified as a drug, food, or supplement, which means it can’t be marketed for human consumption. The only way it can be sold is for research. It also prevents anyone from discussing the benefits of the products.
Researching Independently Is Critical
The best way for Kratom enthusiasts to get the best information is to do independent research. The internet is an excellent place to start as many groups, and researchers post information about their findings. To ensure that the information you are getting is accurate, check out the tips below.
- Work With Advocacy Groups – There are various Kratom advocacy groups around that you can work with to ensure the information you are getting is accurate. The same restrictions on vendors do not limit the American Kratom Association. They provide great information for the public and have several initiatives like the Kratom Consumer Protection Act.
- Look For Kratom Studies – Even though many governing bodies and agencies have tried to wipe out any research attempts, there are still some places you can find valuable studies. These are going to be the backing of the fight against the FDA.
- Seek Anecdotal Reports – Personal stories, testimonials, and experiences with Kratom often can provide insight into the plant and its characteristics. If you search the web for these anecdotal reports, always make sure you look into the source to ensure it’s credible.
- Do It Yourself – In many cases, if you can’t find the information you need, do independent research. Make sure to set a course for your research and always employ a carefully thought out scientific method. Repetitive results can often shed light on any questions you have.
Top Quality Kratom
If you are going to be researching independently, you want to make sure that the Kratom you are using is of high quality. Contaminated Kratom often is a result of insufficient production methods and distrusting manufacturers. You can prevent running into a problem if you ensure that your vendor provides their product is the cleanest possible.
With your research, always exercise caution and contact Kratom organizations and advocacy groups if you have questions or concerns about your research. While there may be many against Kratom’s availability, there are still many out there that want to see it put into the good books.