Understanding The Kratom Consumer Protection Act

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October 19, 2020 0 Comments

If you are trying to stay in the loop regarding new Kratom research development, you are probably aware of The growing push to make Kratom a Schedule I substance. As Kratom can be extremely beneficial to many people with the United States, especially those trying to curb opioid addiction, this classification could be very detrimental to several different parties and Kratom advocates. Additionally, it would be even more challenging for scientific research to be performed if this were to happen, as acquiring resources for controlled substances is exponentially more difficult. Due to this growing combative opinion regarding Kratom, more states are trying to adopt some degree of the Kratom Consumer Protection Act drafted in 2018. This document could protect Kratom from legal action while simultaneously improving the industry, triggering a more general allowance for Kratom studies.

A Bit About Kratom

Kratom is a substance derived from the leaves of the tropical tree, mitragyna speciosa. This tree is found deep within Southeast Asian jungles as well as some parts of South America. Under the right conditions, farmers around the world can produce Kratom. While it was once more widespread in Southeast Asian cultures, as word of its healing properties spread, westerners seeking more holistic treatments jumped on board. With this more general use within the United States, Kratom is now under a magnifying glass with the FDA taking an intense stance against it. With the FDA making more consumers nervous about Kratom and its legitimacy as a holistic treatment, there is a growing atmosphere of fear regarding it. This fear is also slowing the scientific research that needs to be done to prove its benefits. The Kratom Consumer Protection Act strives to remedy this issue.

Is There A Hidden Agenda?

One of Kratom’s primary opponents was the FDA, and the former commissioner who was repeatedly warning legislators about the potential harm Kratom could have. He also stressed the dangers of how it is marketed as well as other concerns he had. However, some people believe he had a hidden agenda as his primary fortune and investments are seemingly correlated with some of the most powerful pharmaceutical giants. He also refused to recognize Kratom as something that could be potentially therapeutic for people, especially those suffering from opioid addiction. In 2016 the FDA almost classified Kratom as a Schedule I substance, but their position has eased and remained stagnant.

When the FDA pushed to ban Kratom, advocates were attempting to create the Kratom Consumer Protection Act. This movement stemmed from Salmonella contamination that occurred in a batch of Kratom originating from a distrusting and not reputable manufacturer. This outbreak, because of their irresponsibility, started to give Kratom a lousy reputation. Thus the Kratom Consumer Protection Act wanted to ensure that all manufacturers are taking the proper steps in ensuring their product is lab-tested as this would act as more leverage to have it legally accepted in the future.

Moving Forward

This Act was drafted to create guidelines around Kratom, manufacturing, use, and distribution. It was created by Kratom experts and advocates. Outlined below are some of the main goals of this Act.

Heighten Public Confidence and Awareness Of Kratom

If more people become aware and knowledge spreads about the potential for therapy of Kratom, the more likely that legislators are going to listen to what people have to say. Pressure from the public is often a practical course of action to help change the minds of lawmakers. With the Kratom Consumer Protection Act’s creation, the general public sees that the Kratom industry is dedicated to making safe products.

Selling, Processing, and Producing Standards

For Kratom to be recognized as effective and safe, the right tacts need to be taken through its entire production cycle. In this drafted guideline, there are ways that the public can protect themselves from irresponsible dealers. The main point of this is so that legislators can see when a Kratom manufacturer is operating irresponsibly.

Penalties For Those Who Do Not Meet Standards

The KCPA, 2018, allows states to enforce penalties on manufacturers, distributors, and vendors who do not meet the set minimum standards. These penalties include jail time and hefty fines, which helps create a clean Kratom market.

Enforces The State’s Right To Prioritize Citizen Welfare and Health

States governments have the right to protect their citizens, and the Kratom Consumer Protection Act helps solidify this right within the context of Kratom’s safety and availability.

The Act has been uptaken by several states, including Utah. Here, the Act was passed, and other states are also jumping on board. With more states allowing Kratom’s selling and consuming, it is more likely that further needed research will be performed. This research will be instrumental in framing Kratom as a potential holistic therapy. If you want to help contribute the best way is to educate yourself and stay updated on the progress.

Author : Andy Cyrus