Consuming kratom leaves has been popular in countries in Southeast Asia has been popular for a long time. Although kratom has been used in other countries, often by indigenous people, for centuries, it is still relatively new in the United States. Because it is new, there is still relatively little known about how it functions when used by humans.
Because of the growing popularity, legislators and researchers are looking to know more about the plant and how it should be classified. The lack of research thus far has made it more difficult for legislators to understand. The Food & Drug Administration does not have any guidelines in place for its manufacture at this time.
While there has not been an abundant amount of research, some studies have been done on this plant. Researchers are still looking into getting a better understanding of kratom pharmacology. They want to know more about the risks it could post, as well as the potential benefits it can offer.
Fortunately, we have started to learn more about kratom, although most agree that more research needs to be done. Researchers and scientists have worked with the plant in recent years to help shed some light on what it is made of and how it can work for those who take it. To get a better picture of what kratom can do, it is important to learn what it contains.
What Makes Up Kratom
Kratom is a plant, which means that it contains a range of phytochemicals. A phytochemical is simply a chemical produced by a plant (phyto) through primary or secondary metabolism. Research into the plant has found that the leaves contain more than 40 alkaloids that are distinctive and that are responsible for the various effects the plants can provide.
Out of those alkaloids, there are two that have stood out to researchers who are trying to better understand kratom. They are mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. From the research that has been done, it seems that these are the main components of the pharmacology of kratom. This means that these alkaloids are responsible for many of the effects of kratom.
Mitragynine is the most prominent alkaloid in kratom and it is where many of the recent studies have focused. Other studies have looked at 7-hydroxymitragynine. Even though it is not as abundant as mitragynine, some believe that it could be more potent.
Research has been done on animals, but there has not been clinical, or lab research done on human participants to any degree at this point. The benefits of kratom have come from reports from people who have used it on their own and outside of the lab. Researchers are hoping to conduct more lab-based and clinical studies that can help to get a better determination of just how well kratom can work for various purposes. Essentially, they want to have more than just anecdotal evidence that describes the benefits of kratom. They also want to know if there are any risks to kratom, although it seems unlikely.
How Does Kratom Affect the Brain?
Interestingly, when kratom is taken, it can have a range of effects on the brain according to those who have taken it and research that has been done. Some users who take kratom say that it helps them to feel as though they have more energy, which helps them to be more productive. They also say that it can help them to feel more focused. This is one of the touted benefits from those in Southeast Asia who use kratom, particularly those who do manual labor. They feel that it helps them with the work they do, and the plant has been used for this purpose for a long time.
There have been others, including researchers, who believe that because of the alkaloids in kratom it can create an analgesic effect, which can help to mitigate pain. However, this does not even begin to look into the other ways that kratom is used and the benefits it can confer.
Because of the range of alkaloids in the leaves, including ajmalicine and mitraphylline, it has been shown to have properties of being a muscle relaxant, and could also have anti-leukemic properties. These are just some of the many benefits that proponents of kratom have found.
You might be wondering just why there are so many differences in the pharmacology of kratom. The answer is thought to be the time or harvest and the method of harvesting that is used for the kratom. This is not unheard of in plants. Tea, for example, can be vastly different based on when and how it is harvested and manufactured. It stands to reason that the same would be true of a plant-like kratom, and the effects seem to bear this out.
Some users find that differences in the color of the strain are noticeable, as well. Other users say that there is no difference.
It is clear that there needs to be far more research done with kratom to help everyone get a full understanding of the plant, as well as the benefits that it can offer. With more research that focuses on the overall pharmacology of kratom, as well as harvesting times and methods, it will help to clear away some of the fog that is currently surrounding the plant.
Choose the Right Company for Kratom
Kratom is considered safe to take, and there are no regulations from the FDA. Those who are going to take kratom to enjoy some of the benefits it can provide should always make sure that they are choosing a high-quality product from a manufacturer that takes care in the production and shipment of the kratom.
Although there are many companies today offering kratom for sale, it does not mean that all of the companies have quality products. Our products are lab-tested and fresh. The plants have been harvested, processed, and packaged using the best technology possible. We can deliver the product to your door, so you can start to enjoy the benefits that it can provide.