Is It Safe To Mix Alcohol With Kratom?

Kratom enthusiasts and researchers around the world have all been wondering the same thing: is it safe to mix alcohol with Kratom? As more people are adding Kratom into their daily routines, it is only natural that this question has arisen. Unfortunately, there has not been enough research done on this area to give a firm and conclusive answer.

Outlined below are some of the findings regarding this area of study, which are mostly based on anecdotal reports. As more research needs to be done, it is best to proceed with caution when using these two items together, or instead, enjoy them separately.

Not Enough Research

Throughout the United States, research regarding the recreational use of alcohol is abundant. Along with this, there is plenty of research on alcohol when combined with other substances, however, there is not much when it comes to Kratom.

Most of the research that has been conducted regarding Kratom and alcohol focuses on using Kratom as a tool to help curb or stop alcohol use altogether, especially in cases of dependency. For some, it has been reported that it could be an effective way to help mitigate some of the side effects of alcohol withdrawal. Despite there being some research on this subject, there is still not enough research completed to establish a firm claim.

As there are limitations on the use of Kratom within the U.S., it is more challenging to conduct research, especially research using Kratom in tandem with other substances. As of now the answer of whether they should or should not be combined remains unanswered.

2019 Purdue Study

There was a study done in 2019 at Purdue University that stated Kratom could have the potential to help wean someone off of alcohol, and help them cope with withdrawal. However, it is not the safest method. While this study was one of the few that was done on this subject, there was still an inconclusive result, only making the answer more unclear. Not only does this study not help Kratom researchers find out more, but it also does not outline or suggest any of the dangers that may arise should these two substances be combined.

For a firm understanding of the physiological effects of the combination of these two substances to be had, more research must be done within the United States and around the world. It is likely that this research will take time to be completed as the barriers surrounding Kratom, imposed by the FDA, make studying the substance very difficult.

The Negatives Of Alcohol Use

On its own, alcohol has been studied immensely with clear and conclusive results. It is known that alcohol use can have severe negative side effects, and pose many negative health risks. Knowing this, it makes sense to believe that using Kratom in tandem with alcohol will not do anything to mitigate these negative effects. So, if you think that using Kratom while drinking may help to curb the downsides of drinking, this most likely will be ineffective.

Some of the common risks of alcohol consumption include:

  • Cancer
  • Pancreatitis
  • Heart disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Immune system dysfunction
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Liver disease

These side effects, while most common with excessive alcohol use will not be lessened by combining with Kratom.

Kratom Online Forums – What People Are Saying About the Combination

Even though there has not been ample scientific research done on the combination of alcohol and Kratom, there has been plenty of discussion throughout the internet. On Kratom forums, people have discussed their experiences combining these two substances. In most circumstances, the conclusions outlined in these forums are all very different but there are some trends that have emerged.

Many have outlined that if they are taking the two substances, they will feel the effects of alcohol more strongly when combined with Kratom even if you are only measuring a small amount of each. Many people have spoken out saying that they enjoy the combination, stating it creates a pleasant experience. However, in these cases, the amount of alcohol consumed was only about one or two drinks.

In other circumstances, people who have used higher amounts of alcohol have reported ample negative side effects. Most of these reports are most likely related to the high amounts of alcohol consumed. However, as Kratom could potentially heighten the effects of alcohol, short-term negative side effects could arise quicker when combined.

Some of the short term negative side effects include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Gastrointestinal pain
  • Hangover
  • Excessive sweating
  • Dehydration

Based on the above-mentioned side effects and the reports on the online forums, it is clear that Kratom can potentially make the negative effects of alcohol worse, so it is important to refrain from any mixtures until more scientific research is completed.

More Research Is Needed

When it comes to a clear conclusion regarding the mixing of these two substances, the answer is unclear. More research is needed to evaluate the combination fully.

When buying Kratom, it is always advisable to purchase from a reputable source as this guarantees you are buying a high-quality product.

Author : Andy Cyrus