Export Exposé – Where Does Your Kratom Come From?

indonesia forest entrance
July 19, 2019 0 Comments

The rise of Kratom has not been plain sailing – far from it, in fact, as anyone in the industry will tell you. And it is because of this uphill battle that more is known about the legalities of Kratom, and precious little is understood about where Kratom comes from. However, we at Kratom Mystic believe that a greater experience will be had by all Kratom users if they know more about the plant itself and its origins, which is why we have put together this guide to the countries which export the Kratom you hold in your hands today.


By far the biggest exporter of Kratom, Indonesia supplies 95% of the world’s Kratom, and yet Indonesians are banned by law from using Kratom for personal use. Situated on the tropical island of Borneo, Indonesia takes up 73% of the island and 69% of its population, with Malaysia making up another 26% of the island, and Brunei occupying a tiny 1%.

Found on the Southern end of Borneo, the area is also known as the Kalimantan Region, which translates as ‘Burning Weather Island’, and it is this weather which makes Indonesia such a perfect environment for growing Kratom, and explains why it grows naturally and so prolifically.

With huge demand for Indo Kratom, especially in the US, growing and exporting Kratom is vital for Indonesian economy, but despite this, there is talk of banning Kratom farms in Indonesia by the year 2024, which – if the law is passed – will not only be catastrophic for Indonesia, but will also massively reduce the availability of Kratom worldwide, meaning prices will increase enormously. For many Indonesian Kratom farmers, this is the only work they have ever known, and although they will be given time to find and train for other work, it will devastate a multitude of families.

Much is being done to try and stop these catastrophic laws from being passed, but nobody knows what will happen until that time comes.


Although the name, or part of the name, of Malaysia is present in many strains of Kratom, the country itself is responsible for a much smaller percentage of the world’s Kratom production. With both local use and exportation banned in the country, there is one exception to the rule – if Kratom is exported completely unprocessed, and sent in its natural leafy state, it is allowed. This, however, means that very little Malaysian Kratom makes it out into the worldwide market.


Yet another area which has restrictions placed on the export of Kratom is Thailand. Once a prolific supplier, all that changed when laws came into force in 1943 which made it illegal to even plant Kratom. However, in what was seen as a positive step in the right direction, in 2018 a new law was passed which allows the export of Kratom for medicinal purposes, although possession without a medical card in Thailand still carries a heavy fine or even lengthy prison sentence.

What This All Means

With so much misinformation about Kratom, much work needs to be done to ensure its survival. That is something which the American Kratom Association is working hard to address by working closely with governments, including the Indonesian government, to prevent catastrophic laws being passed which would mean that Kratom is out of the financial reach of many of the people who have come to love this tropical leaf. It is up to each of us to arm ourselves with facts, educate ourselves and others, and keep a close eye on developments within the Kratom industry to ensure that it is here to stay.

Author : Andy Cyrus