Can I Grow Kratom, and if so…How?

shovel in dirt
January 11, 2020 0 Comments

So you want to grow your own Kratom, but you aren’t sure how to go about it? It makes sense that you would want your own supply, but actually, growing Kratom is a lot harder than it sounds; if you still fancy having a go, here’s what you need to know.

What do Kratom Seeds Look Like?

Kratom seeds grow in pod heads – each pod head contains about 50 pods, and each pod contains about 50 tiny seeds. Harvesting the seeds can be difficult because the pods explode, and the seeds are scattered everywhere.

But I Can Grow Kratom From the Seeds, Right?

Technically, yes, you can grow Kratom trees from the seeds, but…and it’s a big but…the seeds need to be extremely fresh in order for them to have any chance of germinating. Only viable for a maximum of around 2 days from harvesting, it can be hard to get your hands on seeds which stand any chance of growing. Even if you were to travel to Southeast Asia, where Kratom grows prolifically, you would need to purchase the seeds right before you got on the plane, and plant them pretty much before you’ve even unpacked!

That said, it is possible to grow your own; it just takes time, patience, and a lot of TLC.

Okay, Great, So…How?

Because Kratom seeds have a low rate of germination, you would need to plant as many as you can. Don’t worry, you’re not going to end up with a forest-full – only a few will survive at best, even when using the freshest of seeds.

Make sure the environment in which you plant your seeds is moist – mimic the hot and humid conditions in which Kratom thrives, but make sure that, while the soil is well drained, it also retains some of its moisture. If you allow the soil to dry out the seeds won’t grow, but if you keep it too wet it will more than likely fall prey to fungus and/or insect infestation. Soil should also be fed with essential nutrients.

Because Kratom grows in tropical climes, you need to provide plenty of sunshine, but this contrary plant also needs shade for part of the day to avoid too much transpiration, or evaporation of water from the leaves. If you are growing your plants indoors, perhaps the best lighting option is High Pressure Sodium (HPS) lights, which mimic outdoor conditions, but can be controlled by you.

Adding a fan to your growing setup can also help the seeds and plants to grow, as it will provide a gentle breeze, which is said to boost the production of alkaloids, thus promoting the efficacy of the leaves.

Great…How Long Will it Take?

Remember at the start we mentioned patience? The chances are that you won’t see any yield at all during the first year of growing, which might seem like an almighty waste of 12 months, but if you use fresh seeds and nurture your plants, you may be rewarded with an abundant supply of Kratom leaves in the second year and beyond.

Think of that first year as an investment – the cost of the seeds, nutrients, lighting, fans, and fertilizers will be considerable, but once you have those, you’re all set.

Hmmm…Can I Grow Them From a Plant, Instead?

Yes! You can cut out the first stage, and go straight on to growing from an established plant if you can find a supplier. Kratom plants normally measure less than six inches, and will probably not even have leaves yet. Make sure you have the space for Kratom, because within its first two years of life, that little seedling which you lovingly nurtured can grow to around twenty feet, but keeping them well trimmed will ensure a shorter and bushier tree.

If you have a greenhouse, try growing your Kratom in there – the optimum temperature for a Kratom plants is between 70 – 90 degrees Fahrenheit, and unless you have water in your veins that is going to be too hot for any normal household. Using a greenhouse and lighting may well be the better option, but it’s worth mentioning that if the temperature falls below 50 degrees, the leaves (which, of course, are the essential part) may discolor and/or drop off.

And Finally…Is it Legal to Grow Kratom?

As we have mentioned in several other articles, the laws around Kratom vary wildly and are ever-changing. While some countries, or even states, prohibit only the use of Kratom, others forbid the growth and possession, too.

If you are tempted to give it a go, make sure you follow the guidelines mentioned above, and check your country’s legislation before you invest.

Good luck!

Author : Andy Cyrus